Street Art at Vienna’s Danube Canal 2017 (Donau Kanal) – Part 1 – Faces

The beauty of walking is the ability to stop and observe. I love walking, and I love walking along the river’s edge. I also love art, and seeing people’s myriad ways of expressing themselves. What a wonderful night I spent in Vienna walking and observing art.

The beauty of this art gallery on the Danube Canal is that it constantly changes, which means you could visit year after year and see something new every time. What a wonderful thing! Even better, it’s free!

Anyway, here’s some snaps of some street art captured on this adventure. This will be a series. I have tried to collate by theme, however some are difficult to classify. Some galleries will be larger than others.

I hope you enjoy them.

NOTE: If you know the artists of any of these works, please let me know so I can give them credit underneath the piece. Hopefully their image is signed, which gives them some credit, but I’m not sure who is who.

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