Base Chakra Muladhara

Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine in between the genitals and perineum. It is commonly known as being red in colour and is the slowest moving Chakra. In Sanskrit “Mul” = base, “Adhara” = support. These words reveal this Chakra’s function in each individual’s life as the anchor of the physical form, which is built from the spiritual ethers down to the material body, for we are spiritual beings eternally and physical beings temporarily.  Muladhara is a channel which allows the will to express itself in physical form – it allows the soul’s goals to be carried out.

If I were to explain the Muladhara Chakra in one word, it would be foundation. The first foundation in life is our entry into physical form, followed by family and the people involved in our upbringing. Our identity takes its character from family and, later on, our friends and the groups we belong to. The beliefs and idiosyncrasies of the people we closely associate with form our belief systems. These people also provide us with a sense of security, which is another word to describe an area this Chakra is involved with. Security stems not only from having a support system of people, but having all that we need to physically survive such as our health, a roof over our head, money to pay the bills and food in our stomach – this makes us feel safe.

Physically, Muladhara represents:

  • the genitals – how we come into a physical body
  • immune system – which keeps us safe
  • spine and bones and legs and feet – they’re solid and supportive
  • rectum – it produces material products as part of a cycle

Imbalances in this Chakra manifest as issues within the area it rules and issues with security and materialism.

As with all Chakras, Muladhara is a file storage system for the soul’s lessons that relate to its functions. Karma is carried in and worked on through lifetimes by being stored in the soul’s eternal form, its energy coding.

© Silver Cord Adventures

8 comments on “Base Chakra Muladhara

  1. Hello. My name is rawgod, and I know I am a spiritual person before, during, and after I am a physical being. The thing is, all those things you said about the Muladhara Chakra, I don’t believe them one little bit. This Chakra may indeed be the “foundation,” but for me I do not take my foundation from my family, friends, groups, etc. I do not rely on those things for safety. In fact, my family (read father) was the source of terror, not safety. So, I learned to develop all those things you talked about on my own, depending on no one but myself. I am what you might call an “individual spirit,” while at the same time knowing that all living beings are connected spiritually in life.
    So why am I telling you this?
    I find your writing style to be quite readable, and your topic of spirituality to be forever interesting. I have “followed” your blog for the moment, but I will need your permission to continue. I love to talk (I bet you noticed) about spiritual matters, but I have no use for group-think at the physical level. If I may, I would like to challenge not the spirituality itself, not your “base” understanding, but rather the trappings that surround your Base, such as the security of home and family, and in fact, the need to be safe in a group.
    Obviously I have only read this one post so far, but I love the name of your blog, and I feel connected to you. But you may not feel the same way. You may like the safety of the group-think. You may not want to be challenged. So, I am asking you if I can be here. I will not comment any further without your permission.


    • Thanks for your feedback rawgod. I rarely post as I’m currently studying. If I did post it would be about my fury at what is happening to the environment and people don’t seem to want to engage with that. I’ll check in occasionally. You’re welcome to challenge me. I’ll let you know that what I thought yesterday may not be what I think today.


      • It never is the same as yesterday, not if we are allowing ourselves to progress, if you will allow that word.
        I noticed, after I posted that comment, that you were not very prolific on your blog. I had such high hopes, after I read the first post. I won’t ask what you are studying, but I hope you are enjoying yourself.


      • There’s more but I’ve kept them private as I keep changing my mind about what direction I was going to take. But perhaps my problem is thinking I t need a specific direction – because my interests are all over the place…


      • My first blog,, was at times supposed to be only about spirituality, but it didn’t work out quite that way. Then I went to as a place to put my writing, but I don’t post there much anymore. Now I post mainly on but I neglect that one too much too. Seems WP does not have a limit on how many free blogs a person can have.


      • Oh, and as for the environment, and the dearth of concerned capitalists/conservatives, it is worth fettling a bit furious about. The question is, have we as human beings, outlived our evolutionary experiment. We seem to be reaching a dead end. The hope is, physical life itself will not end because of us. Life beyond the physical is forever, in my cosmos, but physical life serves a purpose in that. If we end physical life, what then?


      • I don’t think we’ve evolved. I think we’ve regressed. Indigenous nations had an ability to accept each other, live within boundaries and acknowledge the equal rights of vegetation and animal communities. I’m always confused about the interpretation of ‘civilised’ and ‘civilisation’ and its expression. Perhaps it should be interchangeable with superficial. The common parlance is not an advancement in evolution.


      • From the time of pre-history we have evolved. It”s fiction, but read James A. Michener”s THE SOURCE, and you can see the evolution of the religious side of spirituality. It is one of the books that led me away from religion, though I doubt that was his intention for writing it.
        Lately we have hit some bumps on the spiritual path, but I do think, if the planet can be saved, we will get back on the spiritual evolution track we were on previously. We’ve been set back a few millennia, but we aren’t out of the game yet, IMO.


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